WFCO is a well-known brand of power converters and the 55 AMP power converter is a three-stage converter that not only manages the charging needs of the RV but also extends the battery’s lifespan by preventing overcharging (overcharging causes damage to the battery).
In addition, it promises noiseless operation and its DC connections are fully insulated. However, the power converter also has some errors that you must know about. So, we are sharing some common problems as well as the troubleshooting guide.
WFCO 55 AMP Power Converter Troubleshooting
1. No DC Output
If there is no DC power output, you’ve to inspect the reverse polarity fuses, which are installed on the back of the converter. If the fuses are damaged, they should be replaced to ensure there are no hindrances in the current flow.
On the other hand, if there are no physical damages, you can use the multimeter to check for continuity. If there is no continuity, it means that the fuses are blown and you have to get them replaced.
The fuse usually blows out when the battery is connected in reverse form, either at the converter or at the battery. So, when you have to install a new fuse, reconnect the battery properly and make sure the new fuse has the same amp rating.
2. Battery Is Not Charging
If the power converter is connected to the battery but the battery is not charging, the first step is to check the inline fuse in the battery wire. The inline fuse is responsible for protecting the circuit of the battery in case of overcharging – it opens up to end the connection.
However, in some cases, the inline fuses open up accidentally, which stops the connections between the battery and the converter, resulting in charging issues. So, check the inline fuse and make sure it’s closed.
While you are checking for the open inline fuse, make sure there are no open wires between the battery and converter as well.
Secondly, you must check all the wiring connections. That’s because tight and secure wiring connections are important to ensure smooth current and power flow.
If the wiring connections are loose, the flow of current will be hindered, resulting in charging issues. So, inspect the wiring connections and tighten up the loose ones.
3. Low Voltage Output
There are four potential reasons associated with the low voltage output. The low voltage output means that the battery won’t be recharged and the electric appliances won’t be powered either.
Short Circuit In The Power Supply
The first reason behind a low voltage is a short circuit in the power supply. For this reason, you have to disconnect the loads connected to the power circuit and check for faults in the power supply circuit or the load circuit.
In case the load circuit is disconnected, it indicates that there is excessive load on the system and you’ve to reduce the number of electronic devices connected to the battery.
Filter Capacitor
The filter capacitor is responsible for filtering out the low frequencies and makes sure that only higher frequencies reach the converter. However, if the filter capacitor fails, the low frequencies won’t be filtered out, resulting in low output.
So, locate the filter capacitor and use a multimeter to check the continuity. If there is no continuity in the capacitor, you have to get it replaced.
Switch Tube
The switch tube is responsible for conducting the electric or power signals, resulting in the production of sufficient output.
However, if the switch tube is damaged, it negatively impacts the conduction capacity of the switch tube, which increases the power supply’s internal resistance.
As a result, the load capacity and output will be reduced. For this reason, we recommend that you repair the switch tube.
Switching Transformer
The switching transformers are responsible for regulating the power supply and increasing or decreasing the current or voltage according to the power supply needs. So, if the voltage output is low, it’s likely that the switching transformers are damaged. =
The damaged switching transformers not only cause a drop in output voltage but also cause damage to the switch tube. For this reason, it’s recommended that you hire an electrician and ask him to replace the switching transformer.
4. High Voltage Output
The high voltage output can cause the failure of electronic components, such as circuit boards. In addition, the high output can overheat the electric appliances, which leads to permanent appliance failure.
In most cases, the high voltage output is caused by insulation failure or switching pulses. Both these issues are impossible to fix on your own, which is why we recommend that you hire an electrician.
5. Power Converter Is Not Turning On
The power converter is responsible to ensure the high efficiency of the electrical components and optimizing the battery functions (recharging and supplying electric connection). So, if the power converter fails to turn on, you have to check the wiring connections.
In particular, you have to ensure that all the wiring connections are done securely. If any of the wires are disconnected, you must reconnect them to turn on the converter.
However, if correcting the wiring connection doesn’t work, you have to contact a professional technician.
6. Converter Is Constantly Tripping
The power converter handles all the electric or power load of the vehicle. So, if the converter keeps tripping, it means that the power connection will be hindered.
When the converter trips, you can press and hold down the reset button to turn it on. Still, if it keeps tripping, you should reduce the load by disconnecting some power devices. On the other hand, if reducing the load doesn’t work, you have to hire an electrician.
7. Only Working In Inverter Mode
WFCO power converter can work in different modes, but if it’s only working in the inverter mode, you should check the power cable.
The power cable must be tightly connected to the converter. However, if there is nothing wrong with the power cable, you must check the fuse and replace the blown fuse.
You can check the fuse with the help of a multimeter as it shows the power continuity. In case of zero continuity, you should replace the fuse.
Secondly, you also have to check the input protector. That’s because when the power input gets too much, the input protector will put the power converter in the inverter mode.
To prevent this issue, we recommend that you connect the voltage stabilizer to make sure the power connection is optimized.
8. Beeping Sounds
WFCO 55 AMP power converter is designed with the noiseless operation, but if you start hearing the beeping sounds coming from the converter, it’s likely that the unit is overheated.
The first solution is to shut off the power converter for a few minutes to make sure it comes back to room temperature. In addition, it’s recommended that you put the power converter in an open area to prevent overheating.
On the other hand, if the converter is not overheated, there are chances of an overload. So, the solution is to disconnect some electric appliances to reduce the load.
On the other hand, if you cannot disconnect the electric appliances, you should upgrade the power converter with higher power output to prevent overload issues.
9. Whirring Sounds
The power converter is integrated with the cooling fans that run when there is a high electric load and the unit starts to overheat. These fans operate silently but if they have started to make whirring sounds, it’s likely that something is clogged in the fan.
For this reason, you will need to take off the outer covering of the power converter and clear the clogging in the fan. Once the clogging is cleared, the fan will run smoothly, eliminating the whirring sounds.
The Bottom Line
The power converter is an important part of the electrical system of the vehicles as it helps streamline the power connections.
To help you enjoy an error-free solution, we have mentioned the common problems associated with the power converter and their solutions, so you can fix them quickly.
However, if your power converter is still new, you should contact the WFCO technical support team to get free repair services.
It seems to be dropping during a load will not carry a load the found that fan will not come on the batteries I mean fuses are okay
Just had my wfco power center converter/charger die. Tiffany at wfco said to bad I shit out of luck. I had only used it a total of 2 weeks ……..