For those who love to get away, nothing is simpler than taking a camping trip, especially if you have your own motorhome or RV. However, sometimes you want to visit places that are a little colder, where even a stack of warm blankets won’t be enough to keep out the cold.
For this reason, a great many motorhome and RV owners are making the choice to install a furnace in their vehicle. It’s a sensible upgrade which can provide much higher levels of comfort.
A furnace gives you the option to adjust the temperature according to your needs or the conditions wherever you may be visiting at the time. It also opens up all sorts of possibilities in terms of destinations that you might have previously avoided.
Atwood Furnace Fault Codes
Atwood are a very popular manufacturer of furnaces; they are easily purchased either directly from their stores or from a dealership where you can see a range of models on offer and choose which one suits your needs best.
Each one has its own features and benefits, but one standard feature is the LED display which identifies a fault if you are having issues getting your furnace working as it should. A numerical value is shown on the LED screen which you can look up in the manual to know exactly what the issue might be.
Some faults will cause the furnace to lockout as a safety precaution. These will be indicated by a flashing light on the LED display. We will detail some of the most common ones here to help you know what to look for.
If your furnace goes into lockdown, then you need to perform a reset to see if this resolves your problem. If it goes straight back into lockout again then you need to take further action.
A hard lockout is one that will not come on at all. A soft lockout is one that you can try to reset yourself after consulting the manual or sometimes after waiting for a preset timelapse.
- If the LED has a light that is permanently on, without any flashing, this indicates a hard lockout and a failure with the internal circuit board.
- A flashing light with a single flash repeated after a 3 second pause – this indicates a problem with the airflow or the limit switch, and it can be reset after the fault is investigated.
- A flashing light with 2 flashes repeated after a 3 second pause – this is a problem with the flame sensor and a hard lockout will occur for safety.
- A flashing light with 3 flashes repeated after a 3 second pause, this is an ignition lockout fault. It will be a soft reset. However, you will have to wait an hour before you can retry.
If this doesn’t fix the problem, then the manual provided with your furnace details all the error codes and what steps you may need to take to fix the problem. If you cannot find your manual, you may also search online for your make and model of furnace and look these up on the website.
If you cannot fix the problem
Your manual, or the online version, should detail the steps you can take to try and resolve your problem. The first step to take is often to perform a complete reset. This will restore the default factory settings and should clear any bugs in your system.
If this doesn’t work, the manual will detail the small fixes a user can attempt to do themselves. But be aware any pre-set settings such as your thermostat will have been wiped by the reset.
It may be that you are guided through how to configure the files and settings. If this does not work, then you should check if your warranty is still valid for your model. If you find it is, you can approach Atwood and ask them to fix your furnace under warranty.
Do keep in mind that the condition of your unit will be appraised and if it appears your furnace has not been well maintained through its life Atwood are within their rights to refuse to honour the warranty.
If your warranty has expired, Atwood may offer to fix your problem for a fee or alternatively suggest recommended specialists in your area.
My Atwood 8531iv ignites for a few seconds than goes out can feel heat while on so know it is lighting replaced igniter and sensor also put in new board any ideas