Norcold Thermistor Adjustment: Our Detailed Guide

Norcold Thermistor Adjustment
Norcold Thermistor Adjustment

Keeping a Norcold refrigerator in your RV is a great way to keep your food safe so that you don’t waste money going to restaurants on your road trip. If you don’t cook food while you’re on the road, you could spend hundreds of dollars on restaurant food instead.

Unfortunately, sometimes people experience problems with their Norcold thermistor, which could cause their food to spoil prematurely. Fortunately, you can follow plenty of troubleshooting methods to combat this issue.

Please continue reading to learn everything you need about Norcold thermistor adjustments. In addition, we will discuss how to identify when you need an adjustment, how to adjust your device, and how often people need to adjust this Norcold thermistor.

Norcold Thermistor Adjustment

Identify When It’s Time For An Adjustment

The easiest part of adjusting this device is determining when something is wrong. For instance, if your Norcold thermistor presents a reading of zero ohms, you need to adjust your device to fix this problem

No matter your refrigerator’s temperature, you need more than zero ohms to operate this device.

You’ll also know it’s time for an adjustment if you have completely incorrect temperature readings. For instance, if your refrigerator feels 20 degrees but presents a reading of 60 degrees, you need to adjust your device.

Fortunately, adjusting your Norcold thermistor is an easier process than you may expect.

How To Adjust Your Norcold Thermistor

The most common reason you’re having trouble with your Norcold Thermistor is that the device is on the incorrect fin. When the device rests on the wrong part of your refrigerator, it cannot accurately present readings to you. So, you could spoil your food by not adjusting this device properly.

  1. Locate your device in the back of your refrigerator and determine which fin it rests on.
  2. If your thermistor is anywhere except the fifth fin, you need to move it to the correct area
  3. If you’re having trouble with the device despite it being on the correct, then you’ll want to call Norcold customer service.

It’s common to encounter a faulty device when you purchase a new technology. If you purchase a faulty device, you can contact the customer service line for a replacement or a refund.

Call customer service

Purchasing a device that doesn’t work can be frustrating, but you don’t need to waste your money.

How Often Should You Adjust Your Norcold Thermistor?

Most people can go through the entire refrigerator lifespan without adjusting their thermistors. You only need to adjust this device when it’s on the wrong fin because it can cause an inaccurate temperature reading.

That’s not a routine obligation you need to do, so you don’t have to worry about checking it every month.

You’ll likely find out if you need to adjust your Norcold thermistor as soon as you purchase your device. However, this situation can occur if someone else uses your refrigerator and misplaces the device.

When you’re on the road, it’s not uncommon for parts of your technology to become jostled.

Hitting a large road bump could cause you to drop your thermistor and lead you to adjust the device or purchase a new one if it breaks. However, many RV enthusiasts don’t encounter this problem because this company builds refrigerators to withstand the most common road bumps.

Road Bumps

Set Your Norcold Thermistor

If you receive your device with the thermistor misplaced, you don’t need to purchase a new device or ask for a refund. You can, most of the time, fix this problem by following the steps below.

  1. Determine which fin your Norcold thermistor rests on by checking the back of your refrigerator.
  2. Place the device on the fifth fin.
  3. Contact customer support if the device has any damage.

Customer service can send you a replacement device if you notice the one you have had damage. You need an intact device to get a proper reading on your refrigerator.

Final Thoughts

Fixing and adjusting your Norcold thermistor is easy because you typically need to place it on the right fin. If this device rests on the incorrect cooling fin, it cannot get an accurate reading of your refrigerator.

If you purchase a refrigerator with a broken device, you can contact customer support for a replacement or a refund.

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