3 Methods To Fix Fantastic Fan Not Working

fantastic fan not working
fantastic fan not working

As RVs become increasingly functional and equipped to deal with longer-term living, some requirements are often overlooked. RVs which have extensive washing facilities, cooking equipment, and so on will require some form of ventilation, just like any home. This is critical to prevent mold and residue from building up around one beloved RV.

Over time these concentrations can cause irreparable damage to one of the most expensive customers who will own a house. Fix Fantastic Fan is an excellent solution that several manufacturers have utilized as a perfect means of ventilation.

However, if it fails, customers can be left in the dark, wondering how long problems will begin to develop. Therefore, this article will attempt to explain exactly how to resolve the most common issues associated with the appliance.

What Does the Fix Fantastic Do?

An RV ventilation system has several crucial functions, like the Fix fantastic. Firstly, it is crucial to have ongoing ventilation for CO2 build-up in tight spaces. Even the most basic of RV will benefit from expelling carbon dioxide to allow new air to be vented through continually.

Even a single person in an airtight RV will have unhealthy levels of carbon dioxide after a night of sleeping. Moreover, ventilation is critical for internal heat regulation. When an RV overheat, a draft of air is essential to allow continual airflow to cool down the metal box. It may appear to be a minor issue.

However, it is essential for hotter climates to allow RVs to maintain climates that people can sleep and function within. Heat and moisture ventilation is the most important role of the Fix Fantastic.

create damp mold spots easily

For internal shower systems, the steam that is generated can quickly work its way into the internal material of the RV and create damp mold spots easily. Mold is a headache for every RV owner as it represents an ongoing and difficult-to-defeat opponent that can effectively destroy an RV.

Moreover, ventilating heat and oil over cooking equipment is critical. Again these contaminants can quickly degenerate and compromise the internal construction of the RV. Therefore, it is evident that when the Fix Fantastic Fan is compromised, it is critical that it is repaired as soon as possible.

Contaminated Material

main moving component

The fan uses simple, lightweight material to ensure a smooth and continuous operation with minimal energy required. Additionally, the main moving component is a tiny bearing at the center of the fan, which allows seamless and long-term operation uninterrupted.

However, the fan spends its life allowing contaminated air particles to flow through it. This can lead to several issues like there is too much residue built up on the components. Often this will lead to jamming the mechanism, impacting the functionality, and leading to complete failure.

More specifically, it can introduce water or oil that can displace the lubrication of the central bearing. Moreover, a build-up of contaminant cause faults in the lip operation. Again, a build-up or residue can result in clogged mechanisms, ultimately compromising their operation.

weekly cleaning routine

The most effective means of dealing with this issue is prevention rather than repair. Therefore, it is essential to continually clean the Fix Fantastic Fas as part of a weekly cleaning routine. It is the optimal method to eliminate the risk of component breakdown.

Luckily, there are typically initial symptoms of a build-up, including slow reaction times and stiff mechanisms. Often this stage can be rectified with a simple cleaning without causing any long-term damage.

How To Fix Fantastic Fan Not Working?

1. Electrical Fault

Electrical Fault

The Fix Fantastic has been expertly designed to function using low-power DC currents. This is particularly useful for the RV industry as the typical onboard leisure battery systems store power at 12V or 24V in a DC orientation. Therefore, power can be drawn efficiently, which affords minimal power requirements and output.

However, electrical faults are some of the most common issues associated with the Fix Fantastic Fan. RVs are exposed to extreme operational conditions. When moving, they vibrate and shake continuously. Effectively this will rattle connections loos and leave the vulnerable to fraying over time.

Connection issues can simply be tightened. However, broken cables can occur anywhere in the electrical system. It would be recommended that an experienced technician tackles that problem due to the complicated nature of the task.

2. Motor Failure

experienced technician

The low power integrates fan motor is the critical element that allows the fan to function. The electrical element spins the fan, pulling air out of the RV. It is used for long periods of time, with variable electrical conditions for extended periods.

Unfortunately, like many of the electrical appliances we depend on, they go unnoticed when they work and are devastating when they fail.

Generally, Fix Fantastic is regarded as a high-quality and dependable brand. Over time, electirical components will wear out, like the electrical motor. Unfortunately, this can be a reasonably complicated task for those who need to gain experience in electrical installation.

It is always important to note that electricity is dangerous and should only be dealt with by an experienced technician.

3. Fuse Issue

Fuse Issue

A properly installed electrical appliance will always be equipped with a fuse. A fuse acts as a safeguard against wire overheating and going on fire. In an RV, they perform a crucial job due to the variety of electrical appliances and currents, which can create volatile electrical conditions.

Therefore, a properly rated fuse is critical for the safety of an RV, however, they are more prone to tripping in this environment. If the fan simply will not function, then it is likely that a fuse has blown. This is because a metal strip within fuses is designed to break if it becomes too hot from the volume of electricity passing through it.

To resolve this issue, there should be a user manual for the RV to review to establish the position of the fuse box. Due to the minor electrical usage of the Fix Fantastic Fan motor, it is likely that the fuse will be very low-rated.

Identify the position and replace it with the appropriate rated replacement. Often one can identify the broken fuse visually. But, even if the fuse appears to be operating, it is important to replace it regardless, as it is not a definitive answer. Upon replacement, if it were the source of the problem, it would begin to function immediately.


replacement parts

Ultimately, electrical appliances in RVs are traditionally more inclined to fail due to their more extreme operational environment. However, most of the issues are similar in many respects. It is always significant to identify if the wiring has been compromised or if a simple component has failed and needs to be replaced.

These are typically predicted by manufacturers who often sell replacement parts and make them reasonably simple to replace by owners. Effectively, the Fix Fantastic Fan is an excellent and dependable appliance that can be fixed to guarantee a long life span as long as the RV.

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