5 Common Suburban SF-30 Furnace Problems (Troubleshooting)

suburban sf-30 furnace troubleshooting
suburban sf-30 furnace troubleshooting

Camping is one of the best getaways from the hustle bustle of city life. One of the biggest advantages of camping is that you get to spend time with yourself and your loved ones in scenic locations. It also allows you to avoid the stress of everyday life and relax while being surrounded by nature.

Advancements in vehicle and appliance manufacturing have also enhanced camping experience for all of us. Thanks to these advancements you can enjoy home-like comfort while you are out camping. You can also keep yourself protected from the weather during camping if you have the right equipment with you.

Suburban SF-30 Furnace

If you are planning to go camping in the winter and wish to see the snow during the trip, you must plan accordingly so you can enjoy the experience without catching a cold . But dressing in warm clothes is not enough to protect yourself from the weather. You will need to keep your RV or tent warm so you can avoid falling sick.

The Suburban SF-30 Furnace is the best piece of equipment for camping. It was designed to maintain the temperature inside RVs and tents. The furnace is quite easy to install and will start working as soon as you are done connecting the wires. It is also a lot quieter than other furnace models so you won’t have to worry about the noise.

These furnaces come in handy for when you decide to go camping in winter. They allow you to maintain the right temperature inside the RV so you don’t fall sick. Suburban sf-30 is the right furnace that will truly enhance your camping experience in cold weather .

It has a motor that drives an impeller for the chamber to support the combustion and force the external gasses from the furnace chamber to the outside atmosphere. This way, you will never have to worry about the cold, and the furnace will keep the inside of your RV or tent warm for you.

However, if the furnace stops working, you will need to check on a few things for effective troubleshooting.

Suburban SF-30 Furnace Troubleshooting

It is not uncommon for a machine to stop working randomly. Although we have made advancements in every field, it is impossible to keep machines running all the time. However, more often than not, when a machine stops working, the cause is quite simple.

But if the cause is not addressed, it can create bigger problems for your machine. If your Suburban SF-30 Furnace has stopped working, it is important to figure out the problem and solve it as quickly as possible.

1. Check the Fuses

Check the Fuses

Fuses are what protect your wiring, appliances, and property when too much current is flowing through the circuit. They come with a piece of wire that can be melted easily. When an appliance becomes faulty, it will cause too much current to flow through the circuit, which in turn, could damage the wiring and the appliance itself. That’s why it is so important to have fuses. But it is also important to change a blown fuse as quickly as possible.

Firstly, you will need to make sure that the fuses on the furnace are not blown. It goes without saying that a blown fuse means that your furnace won’t run and you won’t be able to keep the inside of your RV warm with it.

So, the first step to troubleshooting the furnace is checking the fuse in order to make sure that it is working properly and there are no problems with it. You will also have to figure out what caused the fuse to blow.

You should also check on the other fuses as well in order to make sure that nothing is wrong with the power supply. If you are running the furnace directly on your vehicle’s battery, then you won’t have to worry about the fuses.

But if you have it connected on the cigarette lighter port, you will need to check the fuse that is connected to the port in order to make sure that there are no such problems on the circuit.

2. Check the Converter

Check the Converter

The furnace runs on 12-volt current and it can work with most of the batteries you have on your vehicle. However, if you are using an inverter on the van or camper to power other appliances, that can cause problems for you if you want to run a furnace .

In order for your furnace to run smoothly, the converter should be in perfect working condition. So, if your furnace isn’t working, you must check the converter as well along with the fuse. By checking the converter, you can figure out where the problem lies.

It would be better to connect some other appliance on the same converter to make sure that it is working fine. If the converter is not working right, you will need to make sure that all the connections on your converter are fine and that there are no such problems on it.

If the converter doesn’t work, even after checking and fixing all the connections, then it must have gotten damaged. When that happens, you will have to get a new converter. You can start using your furnace again once you have bought a new converter.

3. Check Batteries

Check Batteries

Another thing that might be causing you to have the problem with the furnace not working are the low batteries. Even if the other appliances are working properly on the same batteries, your furnace may not run. The reason behind that is the fact that the suburban sf-30 furnace requires more power to run due to the older design.

So, you will need to check on the batteries to make sure that they are in the right order and have the necessary charge on them so the furnace. Once you get a furnace, check on the batteries regularly to make sure that they are properly charged. This way, you can avoid running into a situation where your batteries are low of charge and your furnace has stopped working.

4. Clean it off

It is important to take proper care of electronic equipment. If you carry out maintenance on a regular basis, your machines will keep on running smoothly for a long period of time. Another important part of taking care of your machines is cleaning them regularly.

You will need to check on both intake and outlet spaces and make sure that there is no dust or dirt accumulated on them either. There is a metal grid on both intake and the outlet that needs to be cleaned off properly at regular intervals.

So, if you had the furnace in storage for some time and you are trying to fire it up for a camping trip this winter, you should clean it properly and wipe off any dust that has accumulated on it. That will help you out perfectly in making the furnace work.

5. Check the Connection

Check the Connection

You may think that you have set up the furnace properly but sometimes, people end up skipping an important step during installation, which keeps their furnace from firing up. If you are not sure what you are doing wrong or which step you have missed, you can refer to the instructions manual that came with your Suburban SF-30 Furnace. You can follow the instructions in the manual to make sure that the furnace is set up properly.

It is also important to make sure that you have connected the wires properly. Once you refer to the manual, things will become easier for you to understand. If you had missed the step before, following the right instructions will help you set up your furnace properly. Once the setup is complete, your furnace will begin running smoothly.

So, if you are planning to go camping during winter, don’t forget to make sure that your furnace is in perfect working conditions. And if there is a problem with your furnace, fix it before starting your journey so you never have to worry when you are on the road.

7 thoughts on “5 Common Suburban SF-30 Furnace Problems (Troubleshooting)”

  1. I bought just the core one year ago suburban sf30. Today it is clicking, fan comes on, but no heat just blowing cold air. I turned it off for about two hours, turned it back on and its working. Why would it intermittently blow hot air? What part should I get?

  2. we have a sf30 installed in class C Born Free 24RB … the furnace blower motor comes on , furnace lights and hot air is blown out into the coach… in 10 minutes or so the air is not as hot … the furnace seems to cool off a bit .. then re-lite and blows hot air again …the blower does not stop .. suggestions ?

  3. Our furnace is installed in our 2006 Keystone Montana. It squeals most of the time it is on. We are planning to live in it this winter (long story but it is necessary) and I really would like to not hear that all day as it is ear-piercingly shrill. Thanks in advance for any advice.

    • Don’t know if you figured out the squealing in your furnace. But ours squealed when fan was blowing, it wouldn’t light was about to buy a new one when done research took it out cleaned every part it was dirty along with dirtdobbers nest even gas line had dirt in it works like new during this freeze now 0° along wind chill -20° today 12-24-2022

      • I love your reply. When I think of all the things in my house that I have learned to disassemble, clean and reassemble, I realized those experiences would greatly benefit me in helping my Uncle repair his camping trailer. I am amazed at how much dirt, dust, and sometimes pests get into the dark recesses of a trailer (or at least my Uncle’s). I have always been able to find information on all the systems in his trailer because of great websites like these – encouraging people to learn and clean and maintain their investments.


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