Which is Better? Living in an RV vs Apartment

Which is Better? Living in an RV vs Apartment
Which is Better? Living in an RV vs Apartment

Living in an RV vs. Apartment

We all dream of our perfect future home when we grow up or have a family, sadly we don’t always contemplate other difficulties like expenses and debts we have to deal with and then it can be complicated to have that home we dreamed about so much. Luckily for us, there are many different options to choose from when it comes to living places.

Some people opt to buy a house, rent apartments, move into an RV, etc. Of course, they all have pros and cons and although we usually think people only choose one of these options because of their needs, it’s not always entirely true. If we had the chance, we would all choose to own a big house most likely, but mortgage and prices and over the skies, so people have to conform with something else, even if they do have a family and it’s not just a couple they make sacrifices to be able to live a decent life, because economy, more than ever, has become a burden for a lot of people.

Having explained this, today we will compare both RVs and apartments and which one can be a better option than the other in certain aspects.


It would make sense that some people think that moving into an RV is sometimes the best option to save money because they think it will be cheaper but that is now always true. It all depends on the country, but the majority of places have strict laws when it comes to RV living, you need permits, even if the land is yours and sometimes, they don’t allow permanent living. Or if you decide you stay in an RV only parking it, they charge monthly for renting a space. Not to mention the investment you have to do in buying an RV whether is new or used. The best option for you if money is the main reason for considering is doing proper research on how much would you spend and making long-term planning to see if it will pay off and how much money you will really save.


For certain people, living in an RV can be really challenging; you don’t have enough room and have basic amenities, you don’t really have a lot of privacy and it can be a struggle if it’s a family, although some people are willing to make some sacrifices and give up more space just to try and save some money. You need to ask yourself if you are ok with having this lifestyle for a long period of time, maybe experiment it a couple of times and maybe you will get used to it. In an apartment, there is obviously more room for everyone even if it’s a small apartment.


An RV can also be problematic for people who like interior design and want to use their creativity to decorate their living space the way they want it. An RV usually has basic colors and no decorations, as long as its functioning. While if you have your own apartment, you can choose from a variety of decorations and colors to paint the walls, etc. Even if you are on a low budget you can go to a thrift shop and buy second-hand items in good conditions.

An apartment is clearly the best option if you can afford one, but if you are trying to live on a short budget for a couple of years you should investigate more about local laws and expenses about living in an RV which a lot of people have been doing for decades!


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