Reese Sidewinder Review 2022: Is It Worth The Price?

reese sidewinder review
reese sidewinder review

Taking the best type of equipment with you on your trips will ensure that you have a great time. This will help you in having a good night’s rest as well as enjoying the wilderness during the daytime.

If you enjoy going out on longer trips then you might even own an RV or motorhome. These vehicles basically act as if you are bringing your house with you on your camping trip. You are provided with a bed to sleep on, a kitchen to cook your meals, and even a bathroom where you can take showers.

While this might be amazing, most RV owners know that it can be quite annoying having to move your bed if you want to move other stuff that might be behind it. While some vehicles have a switch, they can press to rotate these beds, it can be slow and frustrating to deal with. This is where the Reese Sidewinder comes in.

Reese Sidewinder Review

The Reese Sidewinder provides its users with a complete pin box that has a number of items in it. These include small parts that will take out any clearance and turning issues and headaches that you might have.

By setting up this sidewinder on your vehicle you can move around your bed a complete 90 degrees without any problem. If you purchase the complete pin box then you will have all the parts that are required on most vehicles in it.

Although, if you want to then you can even purchase all of these parts separately. You can get a list of all the screws and small components of this product from Reese’s website. You can then open up the different tabs for all of these to find their specifications.

This should help you in understanding how the product works and on what type of vehicles you can use it. It is important that you look around all of these before purchasing them. This is because it is essential that you have all the right parts before you install this device on your vehicle.

Aside from this, if you have any problems then you can even ask the store about it. They should be able to help you with the required parts. Alternatively, the company also has a support team that can be contacted. However, if you want to avoid going through all of this hassle then the complete pin box is your best option.

Aside from all this, the only requirement for this product is that you need to do some drilling before you install it. Although, the company also provides alternative products for people who might not want to or are uncomfortable with drilling their vehicle.


The best thing about this product is that it comes with a warranty given on it. This means that you will be able to get it repaired or replaced by the company in case of any problem. While this is unlikely to happen, you might end up requiring the warranty.

The complete list of conditions for it should come with your equipment. Reading it should help you understand how you can claim it. Although, if you somehow lose the manual with warranty details then you can visit the website to get a new one.

Additionally, the user manual that comes with this equipment has a complete list of guides provided with it. This should help you in installing it on your own. The complete step-by-step procedure given is extremely simple to understand but if you still have any problems then you should contact Reese. In some cases, the user might still be a little hesitant about installing this on his own. If that happens then it is recommended that you contact a professional for help.

It is important that you install this device properly because your bed will be attached to it. If the fittings are loose then the whole bed might come off while you are driving. This can be a hazard while you are on your trip.

The product mostly has an extremely positive rating and is one of the best options if you are tired of moving around your bed. Lastly, if you have any problems unhooking or hooking up your bed on this device. Then you should note that you have to do it at the same angle as before.

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