Camping is one of the best outdoor activities that a person can do and enjoy with their family, friends as well as loved ones. It does not matter who you’re going to go with, camping will always be fun and all your stress will be gone away. To make your trips even more enjoyable, people usually take some gadgets and gears with themselves.
This makes them comfortable and also ensures that they get to enjoy the full outdoor experience. One of these gadgets includes a camping table. This will give the user a place to sit down with their friends. Then have a meal together or they might even just talk. Although, there are some important factors that a person should look out for when purchasing a camping table.
The most important of them is the table’s weight. It can get quite difficult to find the right table for your trip, so this is why we will be using this article to suggest to you some lightweight camping tables.
Best Lightweight Camping Table Review
- Coleman Camping Table | Compact Roll Top Aluminum Table
Coleman provides their users with a huge lineup. Additionally, most of the products made by them are focused on camping. Keeping this in mind, the compact roll-top table has been made by Coleman. It comes with 4 seats, which is a good seating capacity when you consider how small and light it is.
The Coleman lightweight table uses a really unique design, which is not seen to be used in most tablets. This makes this table really compact as the aluminum present on the slat of the table will start to roll up once you start folding it. This will completely compress the table making it really easy to carry around anywhere with you.
On top of that its design also allows users to snap the table into several parts. This makes it extremely portable because it is able to break down into smaller parts so easily. While also providing snap-together designs that means that all the movable parts will just snap back together from a little force, assembling the table back to its original state.
Another important thing to note about this table is that it is really durable, this is because of the strong steel used in the frame of it. Covering the dimension of 27.6 x 27.6 x 27.6 in. This table also comes in with a storage bag which can be used to store its portable and moving parts. Lastly, the important thing to note is that this table also comes with a 1-year limited warranty.
This means that if you happen to run into any problem with the table then you can contact Coleman and they should be able to help you with your items. This is a beautiful table which can easily be taken apart and transported after it. The easy to set up a feature that it comes with is also worth considering to purchase this table. It will surely make your trip more enjoyable.
- Ledeak Portable Camping Table, Small Ultralight Folding Table with Aluminum Table Top
This table from Ledeak is one of its best tables from their huge lineup. The foldable design that it provides makes it a table made specially to be used as an outdoor dining table.
It is too easy to carry it around with yourself and on top of that, the process needed to assemble and remove the moving parts of this table is also quite basic or easy. It means that you can easily take apart this table and then set it back up in a matter of minutes.
This is really impressive but another important thing to be noted is that after this table apart. The parts become so small that you can easily fit them into your car or RV’s storage and it will not even occupy any extra space. This way you will not need to worry about your luggage running out of space when you are considering bringing gadgets like this table with you.
Weighing around only 1.8 pounds this table is easily one of the lightest tables that a person can find. The legs of this table are also designed to be folded in and out easily. The aluminum top on this table allows for easy storage of food and other items. It is to be noted that the maximum load capacity for this table is 23 kg. This is why make sure that you do not place anything too heavy on it.
- REDCAMP Folding Camping Table
REDCAMP has come up with a really good quality camping table which is also really lightweight. The material used for this table is a thick aluminum alloy which is used on the frame of this table.
This makes it really sturdy and able to withstand a lot of weight on its top. The height on this table can be adjusted using the adjustable legs on it although there are only 2 options of height present on it.
Folding down the table makes the table really compressed as the top of this device is able to fold in half. This decreases its size by 50%. The REDCAMP lightweight camping table only weighs around 5.5 pounds which is quite light when you consider how strong it built is. It is able to withstand 70 pounds on it making it really durable.
This table can be used in a lot of scenarios, which includes most importantly your camping trips but also picnics, BBQ party, or even in the kitchen.
The small size of this table also makes it really easy to store and then carry with you during your camping trips. Finally, something to be noted is that keep this table away from fire, this is because the aluminum will heat up if it stays too close to the fire. Someone might end up getting hurt if they accidentally touch the table when it hot.