How To Keep RV Refrigerator Door Closed? Try These 3 Tips!

how to keep rv refrigerator door closed
how to keep rv refrigerator door closed

People all around the world enjoy going out on camping trips with their friends and family. Although, you must be carrying the best possible equipment with you. When it comes to storing all of this in a small car, it can be a little difficult. This is why you will notice that most camping enthusiasts own large vehicles like RVs and motorhomes.

These come with numerous features on them that are all aimed towards campers. This includes having electrical appliances in your vehicle that can be used whenever you want to. One of the most important devices that you should have in your motorhome is a refrigerator. Although, these can also start running into problems that can be quite annoying to deal with. One common issue is that the door does not close properly. This is why we will be using this article to teach you how to keep RV refrigerator doors closed.

How To Keep RV Refrigerator Door Closed

1. Clean the Door Properly

Refrigerators are one of the most important devices in an RV. These keep your food cold and preserve them for a longer time. This way you can stay relaxed as you have something to eat in your vehicle. Although, the door for your refrigerator has to remain closed so that the cold air remains inside the device.

This is why it can be quite frustrating if the door for your refrigerator is not closing. The most common reason for this is that the seals on your device might be covered with dust. These have to be completely clean so that they can close properly. One thing that you can try is cleaning these seals and removing all of the dust from them.

If the dust is stuck and wiping it off is not working then you can also use a soapy solution. Use this to remove all the dust and then dry the seals properly. Once done, you can then try closing the door for your refrigerator again. Make sure that you apply a little pressure as this is necessary for the door to close.

2. Apply a Vaseline

Another thing that you can try is applying some Vaseline to these seals. There are tons of companies that are known for manufacturing these products. Though, you must go through the specifications of these properly. This will help you in selecting a product that will work best for you. Once you have Vaseline or petroleum jelly with you, apply a little of this on the seals of your refrigerator.

This should help these seals in sticking together so that the doors can stay closed. Keep in mind that you mustn’t use too much of this product as this can also cause problems. If you have accidentally applied excess Vaseline then remove this using a cloth. The leftover product should be enough to fix the problem you were getting.

3. Replace the Seals

If none of the steps mentioned above are working for you then there is a chance that your seals have become faulty. This might be annoying but keep in mind that these eventually start to lose their stickiness. Considering this, the user has to replace their seals with new ones to fix the problem. You can order these and then replace them on your own.

The process requires you to first remove the previous seals properly. You have to clean the surface to ensure all of the adhesives are taken off. You can then start applying the new seals and wait for them to dry. Some of these seals already have adhesive with them however, if yours does not then you will have to purchase them separately. Aside from this, another solution is that you get someone to replace these seals for you.

Contacting the support team for your refrigerator and explaining your problem in detail will also help you in getting a solution. The team will ensure that your problem is fixed as soon as possible. In case you still had a warranty on your refrigerator, the user can also get a free replacement. Though, there are some requirements that you should be aware of. This is why you must go through all the details properly before contacting the support team.

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