People all around the world start making plans during vacations. This is because they have nothing to do and going out camping can be a lot of fun. These trips let you explore new areas you have never been to before while also making new memories. Although, one important thing to keep in mind is that a lot of equipment is required on these trips.
Depending on how long you want to stay and where you want to go, the equipment needed might vary. This is why people take RVs with them that help in getting rid of most of these issues. While these vehicles can be amazing, there are still some problems that you can run into with them. One common issue that people complain about is the water tank freezing. This is why we will be using this article to teach you how to keep your RV fresh water tank from freezing.
How to Keep RV Fresh Water Tank from Freezing
1. Use Propane Heaters in Your Vehicle
If you are someone who is thinking about traveling while the temperature is quite low. Then there are several things to look out for. RVs are amazing vehicles that come with tons of features. Having access to a constant water supply is one of them as long as you have your tank filled up. Although, one of the main concerns when traveling in a cold area is that the water can start freezing.
This can be quite dangerous as it will not only cut off the water supply but also damage your pipelines. This is why you must do something to prevent the water in your RV tanks from freezing. One of the best ways to achieve this is by using propane heaters in your vehicle. These ensure that the temperature in your motorhome is kept high.
Additionally, the process should also help in preventing water from freezing. The only thing that you have to do is switch on the furnace for your propane heater. Now make sure that the temperature set on it is higher than it is outside. Sometimes the problem people have is that they set their furnace temperature similar to the surroundings.
This prevents the device from heating the vehicle and preventing water from freezing. Aside from this, ensuring that you keep your furnace maintained will also help it is performing better. Cleaning the vents and removing all the dust around the sensors should be enough to fix most issues.
2. Use Antifreeze
Another thing that you can try to keep the water inside your tanks from freezing is using antifreeze. While the furnace helps in preventing this issue, there is still a chance that you will run into it. This is why the best solution is to pour some antifreeze into your tank. This chemical will lower the freezing point for water and fix the problem you are getting.
Though, there are several things that you will have to look out for when using this. The first thing includes looking out for which brand you get this from. There are tons of companies manufacturing this solution. This is why you must look out for the specifications on this chemical to ensure you get the best one.
You can also check for reviews online or ask the store clerk to help you out. Once you have this product with you, use the instructions provided in its manual to ensure you use the perfect quantity. Aside from this, you will also have to take out all of the water from your vehicle once you are done with your trip. This is because keeping water with antifreeze in your tank for a long time can also damage the pipes.
3. Use Space Heater
Finally, another thing that you can try is installing a space heater on your vehicle. These are standard heaters that can be used in your vehicle using the outlets. The devices are enough to prevent water from freezing as long as you keep them running. However, there are tons of problems that you can run into with these heaters. This is why you should avoid using this method unless it is necessary. Additionally, you will have to switch off your heater during the night.