How to Keep Drinking Water from Freezing While Outdoors? – 4 Tips

how to keep drinking water from freezing
how to keep drinking water from freezing

As soon as the temperature starts dropping, people take out their sweaters to keep themselves warm. Having a warm cup of coffee or hot chocolate is always preferred rather than drinking a cold glass of water. Although, you should note that it is important that you keep yourself hydrated at all times. Usually, at your home, the temperature should be enough to keep the water warm enough so that you can drink it easily.

But if you are someone who enjoys going out on camping trips or loves traveling. Then these cold temperatures can start getting harsh for people. This is because the water in your bag will start freezing as soon as it reaches sub-zero temperature. Considering this, we will be using this article to help you in going through some steps that can be used to prevent this. Make sure that you go through them carefully so that you do not have to go through any hassle during your trip.

How to Keep Drinking Water from Freezing?

1. Storing Lukewarm Water in Packs

The water in your bottles or packs will start freezing after it goes below a certain temperature. Considering this, the water will first get cold enough and then start becoming solid. One recommendation is that you store lukewarm water in your packs. This will give you more time to drink the water without having to worry about any freezing issues. Though, keep in mind that the temperature in your packs will eventually drop and the liquid will start freezing.

2. Pushing Out Liquid from Straw After You Are Done Drinking

The main benefit of having hydration packs is that they hold a lot of water and maintain the temperature for a lot of time. Having these can be necessary if you are going to travel in an extremely cold climate. The device also comes with a straw that can be used to drink from the pack directly. This allows the pack itself to remain closed so that it can maintain its temperature.

Talking about this, while you drink liquid using the straw, some of it will get stuck in the straw. These small particles of water will freeze easily as they come in direct contact with the cold air. Considering this, you should push all the water back into your pack from the straw every time you take a sip. This might not be enough to prevent water from freezing but it will help you in preventing ice from forming in the straw.

3. Keeping Hydration Pack Stored Inside Your Clothes

Insulation is one of the most important steps required to keep something warm. Keeping this in mind, the location where you store your water bottles or hydration pack can be essential. If you simply leave the pack in a pocket of your bag or outside it then the water will freeze quickly. However, another option is storing the hydration pack in such a way that it is insulated by everything in your bag. This will both prevent it from coming in contact with cold air.

Additionally, a little heat will be generated, preventing the water in your hydration pack from freezing. If you are doing physical activity like hiking or skiing then having your pack in contact with your body can be even better. The heat generated by your body will help in keeping all the fluids melted and at a good temperature. Considering this, make sure that you carefully store your hydration pack as this is one of the most important steps to prevent it from freezing.

4. Shaking Bottle Consistently

Some people suggest that adding electrolytes to water help in keeping it from freezing. While there is no exact consensus to support this. It is still safe that you try filling up water with electrolytes in your hydration packs. Having a few degrees difference for the water to freeze can also help you out a lot.

Additionally, if you want to do this then you should add the chemical solution beforehand. This will allow the electrolytes to completely mix in with the solution. Keeping all of this in mind, the user should easily be able to prevent the water in their bottle from freezing. Make sure that you shake the bottle after every 10 to 15 minutes to further prevent the liquid from becoming solid.

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