Cat 3126 HEUI Pump Test: What To Do?

cat 3126 heui pump test
cat 3126 heui pump test

Several companies manufacture engines for different vehicles. Some of these run on fuel while others are designed to be used with diesel. This also differentiates what type of vehicle the engine will be used on.

Another important thing to note is the power of an engine, this tells you how much load it is capable of pulling, as well as what uses it might give you. Most engines are equipped with numerous features so that their users can feel relaxed while using their vehicles.

CAT 3126 HEUI Pump

CAT is one of the best companies around that manufacture diesel engines. These are usually for large vehicle likes trucks, coasters or even RVs. One of the best features of their engine is the HEUI pumps in them. These use hydraulic activation switches which are all controlled electronically to pump oil through a small needle.

This oil is pumped into the combustion of your engine. This interesting system is capable of pumping engine oil into the injectors at different pressures. These can be changed depending on what is needed automatically. These range from either a psi rating of 450 to even up to 3600 depending on what engine you have.

CAT 3126 HEUI Pump Test

If you have this engine then you should note that in case these pumps run into any problem, they can end up causing you a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, CAT has implemented some tests that can help you out to notice any problem with the pumps. So that you can then fix them as soon as possible. These issues can be noticed on your engine if there is any problem with them.

  • The performance of the vehicle is rough
  • When you twist the key, your engine will keep cranking but won’t start
  • You can notice that the engine check light is switched on and the overall power on the vehicle seems low.
  • While your vehicle is idle or parked and is switched on you might notice that the engine feels unstable.
  • You can sometimes notice that your vehicle’s display starts giving error codes or logs with different numerical values.
  • You keep hearing knocking sounds from the engine at all times.

What to Do?

If you notice any of these conditions then the first thing that you should do is check the engine oil in your vehicle. This usually runs out and needs to be replaced.

Older oil is thick and looks darker in color. You can also confirm if the oil needs replacement by checking the mileage on it. Aside from this check the valves on your engine’s pumps.

If any of them look damaged then you should get them replaced. Aside from this, if you are unable to identify the error on your vehicle then you can take it to a professional instead. Most workshops should be able to fix the problem with your vehicle.

Lastly, make sure that the oil you put in your vehicle is of good quality. This will help your engine in lasting a longer time.

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