Ford F150 Trailer Battery Not Charging? Check For These 3 Causes

ford f150 trailer battery not charging
ford f150 trailer battery not charging

Having a large vehicle can be necessary for people who want to stay on their trips for a long time. Although, when it comes to purchasing motorhomes, you will notice that these can be quite costly. The main reason for this is that these large vehicles are almost like homes that you can carry. Additionally, the engines on them have to be powerful enough to carry all of this load.

Although, there is also the option to get trailers. These are vehicles that have the same features as a motorhome but there is no engine in them. You have to tow down your trailer to a truck or car to carry them. This can be amazing for people who already own a powerful enough engine to carry all this load. Talking about this, some Ford F150 users have been complaining that their trailer battery is not charging. We will be using this article to provide you with some simple steps to fix this.

Ford F150 Trailer Battery Not Charging

1. Check Brake Controller Connection

The most common reason why you can get this issue is if your brake controller is not properly connected to the vehicle. This is because the trailer batteries get charged only if they are attached to the brake controller on the Ford F150.

The only wire that you will have to check is the small 7-pin connector carrying all the load. You should easily be able to find this and you can then tighten its connections. ON the other hand, if you notice that your cable is damaged then you will have to get the connector replaced.

2. Check Battery

If the brake controller is connected to your batteries but you are still getting this issue. Then your problem might be from the batteries instead. This can easily be confirmed by troubleshooting the battery on your trailer. Make sure that it is filled up with water and all the terminals for it are connected tightly.

If you notice that these are corroded then you should take this off as soon as possible. Corrosion on the terminals cuts off the connection between the batteries and your vehicle. If this is stuck then applying some warm water should help with softening the sulfate layer. You can then scrub it off using a toothbrush or cloth.

3. Faulty Batteries or Brake Controller

Finally, if you are still getting the same issue then there is either something wrong with your batteries or the brake controller. You can test the batteries by taking them off and then installing spare ones. Although, when it comes to the brake controller, this device is installed by Ford.

This is why your only option will be to contact the support team for them and give them detailed information about your issue. They should then be able to provide you with a solution that can be used. Alternatively, you will have to bring your vehicle to their dealer. If the vehicle was still under warranty then you should get a free replacement for the brake controller.

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