How To Turn On Furnace In Jayco Camper – In 5 Simple Steps

how to turn on furnace in jayco camper
how to turn on furnace in jayco camper

Recreational vehicles are a precious gift of technology to travelers. They make each trip more fun and memorable because they allow you to focus on enjoying yourself than doing chores like setting up a tent, warming the generator, or securing your belongings. It’s like bringing your home to your desired destination.

Another fantastic thing about RVs is that they allow you to travel and stay in places where the climate is cozier. For example, you can snowbird in Georgia if you don’t like the frigid weather in Maine. But that’s a long drive and will take plenty of resources.

Somehow, you might find staying and waiting out the cold more convenient. Don’t worry because, like a traditional house, your RV is equipped with a furnace. You can keep your RV’s interior warm and comfortable even during the harshest winter storm.

However, RV furnaces aren’t all the same. Some perform better and save more fuel than others. If you own an older Jayco camper model, chances are you have a traditional furnace with analog controls.

But if it’s a much newer model, you’ll have digital controls that work on both the furnace and the AC. Or, you can upgrade your furnace controls by replacing the thermostat with a Lippert or Dometic touchpad.

How to Turn on Furnace in Jayco Camper

The thing about furnaces is that they operate similarly—fuel is burned to produce heat, which is then distributed across the RV through the ductwork. They only different in the type and amount of fuel they burn, structure and controls, capacity, and material quality. That’s why they vary in performance, longevity, and price.

Now, if you have a Jayco furnace, whether an inclusive feature in your RV or purchased separately, you can expect it to work the same way as other standard RVs. There’s nothing unique and special about it, and I don’t mean that in a bad way.

Sometimes, it’s better to have a machine with familiar features so you can deal with any issues using standard tools and methods, and you can find replacement parts in just about every RV parts store. Here’s how to turn on furnace in a Jayco camper in 5 simple steps.

1. Open the tank

Open the tank

Most Jayco travel trailers have LP tanks on their front end. These tanks typically come in pairs so you can have enough fuel throughout your trip. They are similar to the LP gas tanks you’d find on a propane grill.

A dual-tank assembly often comes with an auto-switch regulator, automatically switching on the other tank once the first tank runs out of juice. To open your LP tank, turn the valve counterclockwise. We recommend that you open it all the way to prevent leaks.

Pressure in the gas tank is maintained when the valve is wide open. The pressure will be forced to go elsewhere if the valve is only partially open. Gas will force its way out of the crevices the misdirected pressure leads it to.

2. Reset the furnace

Reset the furnace

Now that you have a gas supply in the furnace, it’s time to switch it on. Older Jayco RV models have their furnaces hidden in a compartment inside the RV. So unlike the LP tank, you can access this from the inside.

This compartment has a rectangular grate cover secured by a plastic ledge and a pin. The grates allow the free flow of air from and into the furnace. Remove the cover by pulling out the pin on its center.

That should release the cover, and all that’s left to take it out entirely is to unhook it gently from the ledge. Now that you have access to the furnace look for the switch labeled “reset/on” and “off.” Turn it to the “reset/on” position. This should allow the propane gas to enter the furnace and prepare the system for action.

3. Switch on the thermostat

Switch on the thermostat

Considering you have an analog regulator, it will have two small levers. One at the top, which switches the furnace on or off. And another at the base, which regulates the temperature. The first level you should focus on is the switch. After all, the temperature regulator only works if the furnace is on.

Working these levers can sometimes be confusing because they have no labels. But the general rule is to push the lever to the left to switch on the furnace and to the right to switch it off.

Label the levers according to their function to avoid confusion, especially if you have companions who might need to turn the furnace on themselves.

4. Adjust the temperature

Adjust the temperature

As mentioned, there will be another lever at the bottom of the thermostat to regulate the heat. There are bars above it representing the temperature options. You can move the lever to the right to turn up the heat and to the left to lower the heat.

Just remember not to push too hard to avoid damaging the lever. You don’t want it to get stuck when the heat is at maximum.

5. Put back the cover

Put back the cover

Once the furnace runs and heat flows into your RV, you can put the cover back on. Leaving the compartment open can be dangerous, especially if you have toddlers running around inside the RV.

To reinstall the lid, carefully hook it onto the ledge, push it flush to the frame, and pin it. The heat should go through the ductwork for even distribution into your RV, but some of that heat comes from the grated cover, which helps maximize your equipment.

TIPS: If you have a brand-new furnace, run it before you go camping. Brand-new furnaces usually generate an unpleasant odor for a while, and you don’t want to take that to the campsite. Also, remember that the furnace is a fuel and energy guzzler. It can drain the tank and the battery overnight if it runs too much when dry camping.

Why Upgrade to a Digital Thermostat?

Digital Thermostat

Turning on and regulating your furnace is much easier if you have a more sophisticated thermostat. Modern thermostats like the newer Dometic models control the entire HVAC system, not just the furnace. And they are touch-sensitive devices, so you don’t need to push any lever. You can turn on the furnace with the touch of a button.

But even the technologically advanced devices these thermostats are, they have a similar mechanism to analog thermostats.

It also has two main control buttons—one for switching the furnace on or off and another for regulating the temperature. The only difference is the former comes with electronic components that digitize the operation.

How does a Furnace work?

How does a Furnace work

A digital thermostat is much more convenient because it automatically switches the furnace on or off when it detects temperature increases or drops.

But because of this, many RV owners become dependent on automation, so when a problem occurs, they don’t know what to do because they don’t understand how the furnace works.

It’s not that complicated, though, so there’s no need to get worked up or feel anxious when studying it. Just remember that your furnace has seven main components. First, you have a tank that supplies the fuel. Next, the fuel goes into the burner. But to burn it, there has to be an igniter.

Next, fans blow the heat generated by the combustion up into the duct system. Then, as the RV’s interior warms up, the thermostat waits to shut off the furnace once it detects your desired temperature. Finally, the excess fumes and heat are released through a different vent.

So the next time you hear a strange sound or feel like your furnace isn’t producing heat, you can use this as a troubleshooting guide. It’s easier to fix a device if you know the functions of its components and where to find them.

But, of course, you must also know when to call a technician to avoid doing your furnace more harm than good.

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